Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Christmas Pics!

Boy, have I been neglecting my blogging duty! Here it is the end of January and I am just now getting my Christmas pictures up! Better late than never, I guess, lol.

Blake seems to be getting better from his recent ear infections. However, he is quite the demanding little baby these days and absorbs most of my time! He IS sleeping through the night now from about 8pm to 7am. That is such a welcomed milestone! But if he's not asleep, it's gotta be "hold me and play with me!" Why is it that the littlest one in the family seems to have a run of the whole house?! Even his brothers jump to his attention and try to make him happy. It's amazing how they their presence lights up his face. Sure, he smiles for Mommy and Daddy, but there is a certain look of elation and camaraderie when he sees his brothers. How priceless it is! Some days it's those kind of smiles that keep you going!

Again, our boys had a wonderful Christmas. Our kids really didn't have a lot of expectations which sure does make it easier on us. I'm sure that will change as they get older, though. At this point they really aren't aware of what a materialistic world exists out there and I am humbled by their ignorance of such a reality. A few days after Christmas, Clayton was at Mom's house and he found a stick in the back yard which he played with for hours and brought home as a new "toy." It lies in their toy box right next to the brand new toys that he got for Christmas and gets just as much use or more than they do! It really makes you think! It is definitely one of the ways your children teach you by looking at the world through their eyes. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the Christmas slideshow - I promise to be posting more regularly!


Lacey said...

Glad everyone is feeling good and great to see the christmas pictures. And I love the story about the stick...adorable!

Courtney said...

Blake is looking so much like you! Looks like a fun Christmas. And, hope you are staying away from EIs!

MKHKKH said...

Loved the pics. Could Blake be any cuter! I just want to jump through the screen and kiss those cheeks!

Anonymous said...

Great pics! Our kids got that same camera :) Tell Andy "Happy Birthday" from us today! If I felt like it, I would have made him some cookies, but I feel like mud today :(

Cisa said...

Blake is getting so big! They all are. We're looking forward to seeing you and yours again sometime at Matt & Angie's. Check out the new job!
