Saturday, May 29, 2010

Field Day 2010

Another first this week was Clayton's first field day! Mommy came along to snap some pictures and watch the fun. Clayton LOVES to compete and although they did things a little differently this year by not having competitions/awards, he still had a great time. He had to go to different stations and earn marks on his name tag so that he could earn the ultimate prize - a glorious popsicle. I have included some videos of him doing the tricycle race and the tire race. Yes, there was a tire race and a tire throw - we don't mess around in Kentucky! LOL Now, Clayton may have had a little bit of an advantage on the tricycle - it's as if he'd been practicing for this event for the 3 years prior to this since this was a favorite toy of his on the preschool playground, lol.

The Tire Race - Forget rolling them, why not carry 2 at a time???

The Tricycle Race

1 comment:

Lacey said...

So cute. I was laughing so hard at the tire race. Funny that they had a tire race, but even more funny that he is so smart he went outside the box and got two at a time. Looks like he smoked all the other kids at field day. And I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE hearing your little accent in the video!! ;) You definitely have a smart, athletic little man!!