All-day kindergarten has been a challenge for Clayton in that he did not get as much downtime and rest time just being at home. The weeks were long and exhausting for him. Even though he has excelled throughout the year, I would have much preferred that he got to go half-days. It is tough seeing your child struggle with keeping up a 40-hour week when his body is not physically ready. I feel like our little ones are pushed too hard too fast these days. Let them be little while they still can - they have the rest of their lives to work, work, work! Okay, off my soapbox...
Like I said, Clayton has really shined this year! I am told he is like a soldier at school and takes the rules and requirements very seriously. He is extremely focused and one of my favorite comments on his papers this year was "Clayton works like a super machine!" He has also been recognized as a fierce leader and has often been prepared to teach the others in his class. He is certainly not lacking in confidence... that's my boy! Clayton was recommended for the precursor program to the gifted and talented program this year which was very exciting! We are so proud of him!
A graduation ceremony was held last night and it was so cute to see all of the little graduates in their caps and stoles! Clayton "walked the line" and received his diploma - such a special moment. Here are some pictures of our little graduate. I also wanted to say a big congratulations to our buddy Isaac for winning the "Citizenship Award" in his class - way to go!
The graduate
With Mommy
Proud parents!
And we were sure to celebrate afterwards with some ice cream!
Way to go Clayton!! Jess, I can't believe our first babies are almost first graders. How did that happen???
Looking so big Clayton! Congrats on graduation! Jess, you look great!
Hi looks so proud! You will have to save that photo to compare at his HS graduation! How can our babies be going to 1st grade already?!?!?
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