Wednesday, April 30, 2008

April 30th - 22 wks

Today I had two different appointments and I am happy to report that both went really well!! First, was my cervical length, which was back up to measuring around 4cm. This is fantastic because that length is what you would see in a normal pregnancy! :-) I will continue to have weekly ultrasounds until around 28 weeks when my doctor will feel more comfortable about spacing them out to every 2 weeks. We know how quickly things can change (I went from everything looking great one week to being 75% effaced the next between weeks 16 and 17, hence the reason for the cerclage surgery), so we are not going to take the risk of not keeping a close eye on everything. I have been granted more privileges with my activity and am looking forward to getting out a little more. I still have to be very careful not to overdo it. The boys have their first t-ball game on Saturday and I get to go! Things like that are okay as long as there is not a lot of walking involved. No going to the grocery by myself and definitely no lugging toddlers around still, lol. ;-) I am anxious to do a little more but thankful that I have the reassurance of these weekly checkups to let me know everything is okay.

My other appointment today was with the pediatric cardiologist to have a fetal echo on the baby. This appointment was also good news because at this point there is no evidence of any heart defect. We won't even need to follow up until after the little guy gets here, when he will have another echo perfomed sometime soon after he is born.

It has been a good day and I am thanking God for it. Thank you, too, for all your thoughts and prayers - they are greatly appreciated! :-)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We are so happy for you. Thank God. I really enjoy the blog, as a matter of fact we have started our own at
for our business and for our Sunday School class at
Thanks for keeping us updated, looking forward to seeing you at WM again. Glad to see you get to venture out a little. Jessica says Hello.