Thursday, July 10, 2008

July 9th - 32 wks

Yesterday was my weekly MFM appointment. If you remember last week I was a little concerned about the increase in the MoM with a result of 1.38 and was very anxious to see what the readings were for this week. Both the ultrasound technician and the doctor took several readings and got varying results. Some of the numbers were more normal and some were on the higher side. The lowest MoM reading we got was 1.29 and the highest was 1.52. A result of 1.5 or greater is where you start to be concerned that the baby could becoming affected by the antibody. Since there was not a consistent reading of either lower or higher numbers, my doctor decided it would be best if we double-checked those results by perfoming an amniocentesis. We had already discussed doing the amnio at 35 wks to determine baby's blood type and this would just move it ahead a little and give us our information sooner, as well as serve as a secondary method for checking on the baby's anemia status. I was very comfortable with the doctor's suggestion and so our amnio was scheduled for this morning on the labor and delivery floor of the university hospital. The procedure was not painful, and was relatively quick, although I have to admit I was ready for it to be over as soon as possible. I was monitored both before and after the procedure and sent home with no complications, which are rare. I hope that we have at least some of the results from the test by tomorrow and I can share with you how baby is looking. The baby's blood type we expect to take at least a week to get back so we'll have to wait a little longer on that one. My doctor is confident that all will be well with the results and is really doing it to err on the side of caution, which I appreciate. It is so nice that she feels it is necessary to always try and stay one step ahead of any problems. I am well taken care of! Wanted to let you know and I hope to have an update tomorrow. Also, my weekly appointment next week will not be until Thursday instead of Wednesday, where we will continue the MCA dopplers to get an MoM.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Jessie, Hope everything comes back ok. I am glad that you have a great doctor. Looking forward to your update tomorrow.