Friday, April 3, 2009

7 months

Blake turned 7 months old a week ago! I am so behind! It always seems like there is so much on my to do list. Baseball season is starting and soon our Saturdays will be filled with little league games - I am excited! Here are some pictures of our littlest man of the house. His top two teeth have now come through and he is ~almost~ sitting up on his own - he still tumbles over quite a bit, lol. He is drinking his juice from a big boy sippy cup and doing surprisingly well with that. He has that pincer grasp down and can pick up soft foods - he loves to eat! He is also started to scoot on his belly and I think he may be crawling before too long. Watch out!

1 comment:

Courtney said...

I can't believe how much he looks like you! Really, where does the time go?! Very cute blue eyed boy!