Wednesday, July 15, 2009

New haircut/Broken Finger

The good news is I got my hair cut today and I love it!

The bad news is that I found out yesterday that I have a broken finger. I was playing basketball on the 4th and it got jammed pretty bad, or so I thought. It has been swollen and has turned every color you can imagine, but the pain wasn't too unmanageable until Clayton bumped it Monday night and I thought I was going to come out of my skin. So I had it x-rayed yesterday and it showed a pie-piece-shaped chip off the bone and a hairline fracture extending a little beyond that. They gave me a finger splint to wear for several weeks. I just hope my finger goes back to being nice and straight!

1 comment:

MKHKKH said...

I love your new cut! Maybe I will get some guts and give it a go one day too! You look beautiful Jess!