Friday, July 16, 2010

First Family Vacation 2010

Well, it's been a busy busy summer! And that's my excuse for not blogging for about 6 wks! Yikes!! So I'm starting out with our summer kickoff of our very first family vacation. I consider this to be our first true vacation seeing that we've only spent the night away from home twice since we've had kids! Having back to back pregnancies for the last 6 years with a couple of layoffs thrown in there is not conducive to vacationing! So we finally got the chance this year to take a week off from the norm and spend it on the beach! And boy, was it fun! Our kids saw the ocean for the first time which is always special. We spent the week mostly in the water but threw some other fun stuff in there, as well. We had SUCH a good time. Some of the things we did were putt-putt golf, coastal museum tour, go-kart track, Medieval times dinner show, and water park. We stayed on Ocean Isle Beach, NC, a lovely small island community. We were about 45 minutes north of Myrtle Beach, SC and were able to drive down there a couple of different times to do some of the fun stuff mentioned above. For me, relaxing by the water and taking in the sun was the best part of the trip! But a VERY close second had to be the Medieval Times dinner show. This experience was truly worth the money we paid and was so much fun. It is a live reenactment of knights on horseback performing feats of skill as well as the main event of physical combat. Not only that but the crowd is just as involved as you are seated in a colored section and are to cheer for the color of your knight. This was RIGHT up the boys' alley. It is usually difficult to keep four little boys still for very long, but this show had them mesmerized with all of it's action. And the food was delicious! Andy and I enjoyed the show just as much as the kids! Highly recommended!

This trip consisted of our family of six, my mom and stepdad, and my oldest sister and her family (husband, 2 sons, and one son's girlfriend). We really had a blast and definitely want to do it again in the future!

How much time do you have??? Here is an obscene amount of pictures from our adventures. Enjoy!


MKHKKH said...

I loved all the pics! What a great time you all had. I must say the boys are beyond cute and if you ever need to unload one or two, you know you can send them to CO for the summer. :)

Rachel said...

Love the pictures...Sorry that we hadn't had time to look at them in person. Love the picture of Andy on the van...classic Andy!!!. So glad you all were able to take a real family vacation...hope there are many more to come, Lord willing. Love you all!!

Courtney said...

Great pics! Love the family shots and the ones of the boys playing on the beach. They are adorable! You look great too! ;)