Sunday, August 22, 2010

Summer 2010

Geez! Another month has slipped by without me getting around to all the updating I've been meaning to do! Well, I will start out by saying we had a FABULOUS summer! Yes, HAD... it is already over and the kids are already back to school! :-( As I have told several friends, this is the first summer in a LONG time that I haven't been either pregnant, nursing, dealing with a child uder the age of 1, or all three! It was a much welcomed realization of freedom and I tried to take advantage of it as much as possible while still trying to savor every second of the early years of my kids lives.

The following several posts will be our summer in pictures mostly, but I will try to throw in some details along the way. Thank you for visiting and not giving up on me, lol!

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