Tuesday, May 27, 2008

May 27th - 26 wks

Today was my 26-week appointment with the MFM. Cervical length and MCA measurements both look great!! (Cervical length was 4.28 cm and MCA was a PSV of 34 and an MoM of 1.08). I had my blood drawn and I was able to get those results this evening! :-) My titer is still holding steady at 1:16, which is good! I am so thankful that things are going so smoothly. It looks as if my abnormal pregnancy is turning into a normal one! :-) We still have 13 wks to go so your continued prayers are greatly appreciated - they have no doubt pulled us through so far!


Unknown said...

Congratulations!! I'm so glad everything is still going well. Sorry I haven't been to see you. My work schedule has gone full-time - camp starts next week.

Anonymous said...

That was great news to read, Jessica! I am very happy for you and Andy that things are going so well. I see that you are under 100 days to go now, so that is positive, too!

Happy Anniversary a little late!
