Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Aug 20th - 38 wks

Hello and sorry I have not given an update since last week! Unfortunately, there has not been much of an update to give until today. We did get all of the results of the amniocentesis from last week so I want to share those first. Two of the three lung maturity studies came back negative and the third was borderline. So it was definitely a good idea to postpone delivery based on the first result that we got back on Wednesday of last week. The other test we were waiting on from the amnio, called a Delta OD 450 - a measurement of bilirubin in the amniotic fluid, came back within normal limits. That is great news! It WAS decided last week that we would delay delivery as long as baby was faring well on the inside and we would continue to monitor his health by ultrasound. I had my first appointment since the amnio last week this morning. Baby looks great by ultrasound! I also got an exam and I am almost 3cm dilated and 50% effaced - so exciting!! We went ahead and scheduled an induction for delivery for next Wednesday, August 27th at 39 weeks. There is a good chance I could go into labor on my own before then, but if I don't that will be his birthday! So now we know for sure - no more than a week to go!!! Please pray that I go into labor on my own, as it would mean a lot to me to avoid an induction. I will let you know what happens this week - I am excited! :-)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi, Jessie!
We will continue to pray for you guys. One week! Yes!
Let me know if there is anything we can do for you.

K & J Crawford