Sunday, August 22, 2010

Toy Story 3

(June 18, 2010)

We had been waiting for this for months... We saw the preview for TS3 at least 9 months prior to opening day and from that moment I promised the boys we would go and see this in the theater. I had my heart set on opening day, June 18th, and luckily I was able to pull it off! I bought them shirts to wear well in advance in anticipation of the big day. The Toy Story movies are up there at the top of my list of favorite animated movies. I think I was more excited than they were, lol! Little Blake had to sit this one out at Grandma's so me and the "big kids" could enjoy the movie even more. But he was more than eager to sit in on the photo shoot prior to leaving. We had a great day and enjoyed the movie so much. I cried so hard!! Now we can't wait for it to come out on DVD so we can watch it again and again (and so mommy can cry again and again...). :-)

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